Sunday, December 19, 2010

Let it Snow

The first five days of the new year have been filled with nice days, getting about as warm as it gets in January. The sidewalks were snow-free, the roads lacking a sheet of ice. Until the sixth, that is. That's right, snow is making yet another appearance in Ohio. And me? Well, I'm thrilled.

I'm not being sarcastic; I love snow. It only comes around for a few months every year, and even then, there's a possibility of a very warm winter and no snow at all. I admire it; the way it takes over, covers everything with a blinding white sheet. Sometimes I'll stare out my window for minutes, just watching the snow drop out of the pale sky. I don't even mind walking in it to the bus stop every morning. It seems to brighten the world.

The beauty I see in snow isn't the only reason I like it, for I'm also a fan of snowboarding, though I'm not very good. There's a small hill behind my house, and it just needs an inch or two covering it to make it perfect for snowboarding. It's nothing fancy, but hey, it's fun.

I'd like to apologize for not posting all that often, I'm just not very easily motivated. I'll try and get back to a post a week again, sorry about the last two posts being a week late and such. And I know this post is short, sorry about that, too... I've just been busy writing songs. Didn't I say I was a music freak? Anyway, tell me what you love or hate about the snow in the comments. I'm outta here.

1 comment:

  1. I like how the sunlight reflects off the snow, and brightens up the whole day. However, I could do without the black slush of the roads when cars roll on over. =/

    And idea: Share some of your songs as blog posts? =]
