I've never had a dream where I'm flying, falling, or in school naked. Though those tend to be the most common dreams, I've never experienced them. My dreams, for some reason, always seem to be some strange scenerio that includes some kind of criminal activity. I had one dream where I managed to lock a robber in the second floor bathroom in my house, only to unluck the door later to find a huge hole in the wall the robber must have jumped out of and escaped from. Another, I was doing homework on a random house's driveway, and happened to have my saxophone case with me. A guy came up to me with a machete and was about to cut my head off, but before he could, I grabbed my sax case and whacked him in the leg with it. See what I mean? My dreams are WEIRD.
Just a couple nights ago, I had my weirdest dream yet. I was in my house, and I had a deal with a person I didn't recognize. I think it was some kind of illegal deal, maybe involving sharing money, but I don't quite remember. But after the person had signed a document involving the deal and turned around, I hit them over the head with a tennis shoe. I must have hit them hard enough to give them blunt force trauma, because they died. I also killed my sister the same way later, but I felt bad about it afterwards in the dream, and still feel bad about it, even as I'm awake. Dreaming about killing a sibling? That's pretty evil. I love my sister, though, so I'm not sure why I even killed her in my dream.
I went to a website that supposedly tells you the meaning of your dreams. I searched "murder" first. The results told me that it signified ending an old habit, but also signifies a depressive period. Wanting to know more, I searched "killing" on the same website. Apparently, killing people in your dreams signifies that you are close to losing your temper and self-control. Of course, my mind is so strange that what dreams mean for other people may not mean the same for me. Either way, I'm a little worried at what made me dream of killing people.
Dreams are wierd things, and I've never been able to control mine. Once, my beeping alarm clock made it into my dream, and another time, a song playing over iTunes made it into my dream (I told someone it was by Coldplay when it was really by Switchfoot), but that's the only connection my dreams have had to the real world. Have you ever had any strange or scary dreams? If so, leave it in the comments. I'm outta here.
Ah, I have plenty of very strange dreams ...
ReplyDeleteJust wonderin' when you are gonna post again. Thanks and goodbye.